Friday, March 4, 2011

Miosotis Melina Velba

Thilo Kuessner looks at Kerri Welch's thesis

This is a follow-up to our recent post How can this be a dissertation defense?

Read the new post on Mathlog. Original German Merkwürdige Doktorarbeiten or Google's English translation Strange PhD .

Thilo finds the thesis amusing, but gives Dr. Kerri Welch a break because she is, after all, not a mathematician or physicist but a philosopher of some sort. He concludes

As long as one does such work only in philosophy (and not in mathematics) as a PhD, it's still all right, I would say.

Isn't that too charitable though? A thesis in philosophy (or any other subject) that uses math idiotically should be rejected until the math is fixed or removed. Her woo-woo thesis advisor Brian Swimme is incompetent in this regard. In spite of having aligned himself with the powers of the Universe , rudimentary mathematics remains beyond his abilities. So it is up to others to point out the sham that is A Fractal Topology of Time and the scam that is the California Institute of Integral Studies.

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