As we noted in Ji-Huan He loses IJNSNS! , Freund Publishing House went out of business and transferred a number of journals including International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation (IJNSNS) to De Gruyter. As it happens, another of the transferred journals was IJTJE. Here's the new list of editors under De Gruyter:
Benjamin Gal-Or, Palm Beach, USA
Deputy Editor
Valery Sherbaum, Technion, Haifa, Israel
Manuscript Editor
Vladimir Erenburg, Technion, Haifa, Israel
Editorial Board
E. Benstein, Teledyne CAE, USA
A. Brooks, General Electric, USA
Z. Goraj, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
R.D. Halverstadt, Special Metals, Materials Technology Group, USA
M.J. Ivanov, Central Institute of Aviation Motors, Russia
J. Jason, Garrett Corporation, USA
B.L. Koff, Pratt & Whitney/GPD, USA
C. Kuintzle, Avco-Lycoming, USA
L. Larsson, Volvo Flygmotor, Sweden
M.V. Narasimhan, Indian Inst. Science, India
N. Penny, Noel Penny Turbines, UK
C.R. Peterson, MIT, USA
M.F. Platzer, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Rishi S. Raj, The City College of New York, USA
D.B. Spalding, Imperial College, UK
W. Tabakoff, University of Cincinnatti, USA
E. Tjonneland, Boeing Military Airplane, USA
P.J. Torvik, USAF Institute of Technology, Wright Paterson AFB, OH, USA
P.C. Tramm, Allison G.M., USA
Youry A. Noznitsky, CIAM ,Moscow, Russia
S. Yu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Thermophysics, Beijing, China
J. Zierep, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Oh dear.
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