El Naschie's Rosa Al-Youssef column is up for Tuesday, 2 March 2011. Original Arabic or Google's English translation. While reading today's magnificent column, keep in mind that El Naschie often claims that the reason he doesn't have a Nobel Prize is that he's an Arab, a Muslim, is named Mohamed, and he carries an Egyptian passport. Interesting parts are green . My comments are [red] .
Fake Scientists
manipulation of trophies and awards which are not even science is nothing new, but Is it possible that there are scientists, Nobel Laureates who are low-level Of morality and conscience in some cases up to racism and lack of scientific integrity and sometimes very well-known public opinion and for me personally it comes to the extent that بعض علماء نوبل هم لصوص في هيئة علماء. Manipulation of trophies and awards, even scientific which is not something new but is it possible that there are scientists, Nobel Laureates who are on a low level of morality and conscience in some cases up to racism and lack of scientific integrity and sometimes known full well of public opinion and for me personally it comes to the extent that some scientists are Nobel thieves in the body, scientists.
في عدد من المقالات المستقبلية سوف Cite this subject in detail and discuss various aspects of scientific, social and political, the day will I monitor only a few historical cases of known and I can almost say that some cases of sick To scholars with the Nobel Prize, despite shortcomings in the terrifying lack of morals and conscience and the lack of scientific integrity to the extent is difficult to imagine that the normal human being, especially because of the perception that scientists error Deeming this Alsoaqt and possession of the Nobel Prize may amount to mental and moral perfection is a big lie, used to market the award in the trends are as far as possible about the purpose Statute of the award, as reported in many previous articles on the history of Alfred Nobel, the man and the date of the award. In a number of articles in the future I will cite this subject in detail and discuss the various aspects of scientific, social and political, the day will I monitor only a few historical cases of known and I can almost say that some of the conditions of the scholars with the Nobel Prize despite the shortcomings of terrifying in their attitude and lack of conscience and the lack of scientific integrity is so difficult for a person proper to imagine, especially because of the perception error that scientists deeming this Alsoaqt and that possession of the Nobel Prize may be up to the rank of perfect mental and moral which is a big lie used for marketing award in the trends are as far as possible for the primary purpose of the award, as reported in many previous articles on date of Alfred Nobel, the man and the date of the award.
سوف أبدأ بعدد من النقاط والتسلسل وهو تسلسل عشوائي Does not follow a particular system. I will start a number of points and the sequence is a random sequence does not follow a particular system.
1 - inventor of the «Alturnsstor» which is communications technology and established a more modern industry in the United States, Dr. «William Shockley» was a racist and encouraging of the program of sterilization for men and women of African descent and in their level of intelligence in the low opinion and prevent them from having children, «Shockley» حاز علي جائز نوبل عن أعمال قام آخرون بأغلبها. 1 - inventor of the «transistor» which is communications technology and established a more modern industry in the United States, Prof. « William Shockley » was a racist and encouraging of the program of sterilization for men and women of African descent and in their level of intelligence low in his mind and prevent them from having children, «Shockley» Awarded the Nobel Prize for the work of the others most of them.
2- عالم الفيزياء الأمريكي Excellence «Robert Malkin» won the Nobel Prize, even though that «kings» was actually a world that only a distinct See the results of some experiments in order to get to the conclusion that he wanted to get It, which is without doubt «fraud» scientific although it was not heavy. 2 - American physicist Excellence « Robert Millikan » won the Nobel Prize, even though that «kings» was actually a scientist distinct but See some of the results of experiments in order to get to the conclusion that he wanted to get it, which is without doubt «fraud» scientific although it was not caliber.
3 - is said to this day that Einstein He knew full well the work of the world's great French «Puan Karah» Therefore, the theory of relativity was discovered «Puan Karah» and not Einstein addition, he was Einstein to his son Craeiha of a scientist is called «Melvia» did not recognize his daughter did not marry her mother and said that he had left his daughter die in a shelter. 3 - is said to this day that Einstein knew perfectly well on the work of the great French scientist « Poincaré » Therefore, the theory of relativity was discovered «Poincaré» and not Einstein addition, he was Einstein to his son is Craeiha of a scientist called «Melvia» [?] did not recognize his daughter did not married her mother and said that he had left his daughter die in a shelter.
4 - allegedly Dr «Robert Gallo» U.S. he discovered virus disease «AIDS» Jallow was a loving man of fame and hostile to the maximum degree, Indeed, the two worlds of France, the scientist, Dr. «Barry Sinoussi» Dr. «Look Montgio» two discoveries the AIDS virus. 4 - allegedly Dr « Robert Gallo » US he discovered virus disease «AIDS» The Gallo-man-loving glory and hostile to the maximum degree, the fact that the scientists of France, the scientist, Dr. « Barré-Sinoussi » Dr. « Luc Montagnier » two findings of the AIDS virus.
try «Gallo» in every way to harm Barry and Luke and questioning them to get a Nobel prize and failed. Try «Gallo» in every way to harm Barre and Luc and questioning them to get a Nobel prize and failed.
5 - Try to three scientists Kamiaiien led by one of them is the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry discrediting the Arab world in every way in order not to receive any prize, and it came to form a global team to fight The Arab world. 5 - Try Kamiaiien [?] three scientists, led by one of them is the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry discrediting the Arab scientist in every way in order not to receive any prize, and it came to form a global team to fight the Arab scientist . I will give details soon, unless prevented from doing so. I will give details soon, unless prevented from doing so. [WTF? Prevented by his lawyers, Collyer-Bristow , perhaps?]
6 - captured A group of scientists, some working with a host of other campaign awards major international acts of physical Arabic and published in the Journal of American business, without reference to the Arab world The hook it up to the global eradication is now considered at a court in one of the major capitals in the world and will be the maximum story in detail soon, unless prevented from doing so. 6 - captured a group of scientists, some working with a host of other campaign awards major work of physicist Arabic and published his work in the US patrol, without reference to the Arab scientist has reached the matter to the global eradication consideration now in the court in one of the major capitals in the world and will be the maximum story in detail soon, unless prevented from doing so. [ El Naschie vs. Nature case in London?]
7 - another suggested that one of the most journalists and political commentators in the world, holds a The title of «progress» from the Queen of England to give the proposed space station for television covering the problems of the Middle East in particular the Nobel Prize, this task calls for a banner stand special and more to come. 7 - another suggested that one of the most journalists and political commentators in the world, holds the title of «progress» [ Thomas L. Friedman , Shrink says. Order of the British Empire from Queen Elizabeth] from the Queen of England to give the proposed space station for television covering the problems of the Middle East in particular the Nobel Prize, this task calls for a banner stand special and more to come . [More! More! Please, more!]
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