It was pure chance that I a few months ago during a conversation with one of the members on the dog's place in Long Beach have come on the topic "Shiloh". I told her that I think that Shiloh is still too "close" to their past. The woman with whom I spoke is a co-founder of K9 Nose Work workshops. The trainers teach the dogs there is nothing new but they only support they need to turn a little more, what they can since their birth. This is a way to have fun or, as in Shiloh's case, the dog to convey confidence. Yesterday, was the first time - on the theory we wanted to see how do our dogs do. First Shiloh was a little irritated with all the strangers around them, the many boxes on the Earth and the alien environment. I am very proud of them - after a few minutes she began to use their nose and then took the treat in one of the many boxes lying around. The second round was even better and then she left the workshop with her head held high. I can not wait zu sehen, wie es in einigen Wochen sein wird!
It was a coincidence that, a couple of months ago, I talked to a woman at the Long Beach training facility about Shiloh. I told her that I think Shiloh can still not forget her past. The lady is one of the founders of K9 Nose Work workshops. The trainers there don't teach anything new, they just assist with something the dogs already know right from the beginning. This is one way to have fun or, in Shiloh's case, to built self-confidence. Yesterday was the intro. After the theory it was time to see, how the dogs would do on their first "run". Shiloh first was kind of irritated by all the strangers and the boxes and the surrounding, but after a couple of minutes she started using her nose and found her treat in one of the boxes. I'm proud of her! The second run was even better and she left the facility with her head high up! I can not wait to see how she will do in a couple of weeks!
It was a coincidence that, a couple of months ago, I talked to a woman at the Long Beach training facility about Shiloh. I told her that I think Shiloh can still not forget her past. The lady is one of the founders of K9 Nose Work workshops. The trainers there don't teach anything new, they just assist with something the dogs already know right from the beginning. This is one way to have fun or, in Shiloh's case, to built self-confidence. Yesterday was the intro. After the theory it was time to see, how the dogs would do on their first "run". Shiloh first was kind of irritated by all the strangers and the boxes and the surrounding, but after a couple of minutes she started using her nose and found her treat in one of the boxes. I'm proud of her! The second run was even better and she left the facility with her head high up! I can not wait to see how she will do in a couple of weeks!
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